Governance: An international journal of policy, administration and institutions

Roundtable: Is public management neglecting the state?

Public Management is a field of research and teaching that is now almost four decades old.  But questions have been raised about its scope and methods of inquiry.  In a roundtable for Governance, ten authors debate whether Public Management should broaden its ambitions. Developed mainly within a small set of wealthy and consolidated democracies, Public Management research may be premised on assumptions about state sovereignty, capabilities, and legitimacy that are not tenable in most countries — and are perhaps increasingly untenable in the advanced democracies as well.  Read the article.

Contributors include Brint Milward, Laura Jensen, Alasdair Roberts, Mauricio Dussauge-Laguna, Veronica Junjan, René Torenvlied, Arjen Boin, H.K. Colebatch, Donald Kettl and Robert Durant.

This roundtable was prepared for a panel discussion at the research conference of the Public Management Research Association at Aarhus University in June 2016.  More about the conference.

Written by Governance

March 21, 2016 at 8:25 am


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